Thursday, September 8, 2016

Anime Sucks

Why Anime Sucks

Anime Sucks is a blog that will critique anime and pose questions and ideas about the medium. That is our mission statement but there's more to this blog. Everything that will be posted comes from a deep love and appreciation for anime, so we'll start by saying that anime sucks, like really sucks, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Anime, like any other form of entertainment is flooded with garbage, and if you were to judge it just based on the number of good shows then it really sucks. This is the same for every art form, most shows on TV are bad, most music is bad, and most books are bad, but in a way doesn't that make the rare good works even more memorable? When there is so much content being produced, the bad becomes average, the average becomes good, the good becomes great, and the truly great become legendary, which makes them worthy of intense dedication from fans that will last for as long as the medium is around.

How This Will Work Exactly

Some might say that its impossible to objectively critique something like anime. This is true because it is impossible to say what is good and what is not when discussing something that is based on personal taste. There is no way we can do that if you consider anime to just be entertainment, which by definition, if you find it entertaining, than it is good because you find it enjoyable to watch. We are not trying to make anyone feel bad for liking what they like, we are simply making an argument on why we believe a certain show is bad.

We won't do whole overviews of why shows are bad, instead we'll focus on specific shortcomings from certain series; and remember, no matter how harshly we criticize a show for being unforgivable trash, we'll always be thankful that it exists because those shows make the great ones shine all the brighter!

Stay tuned for our inaugural post where we will be discussing the new adaptation of Berserk!


  1. I was going to start watching Berserk, but I have heard that some things are funky about it, so I am looking forward to seeing the flaws it contains. I'll probably end up watching it anyways since some of the most garbage things entertain me, but discussing it will be interesting nonetheless. Out of curiosity, and before you get to the critiquing, I would like to ask what anime do you personally feel is good?

    1. Yeah, as a series by itself its pretty good and the less you know about Berserk, the better it is, but if you're a fan then it will be incredibly disappointing, I went pretty hard on it in my review but its all out of love for show. And I'm a really big fan of a lot of shows, obviously Berserk being an amazing one, but if you check out my hummingbird I have a whole list of favorites that I would recommend.

    2. The only thing Berserk-related that I have watched is the Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King movie. Should I finish the rest of those movies before watching the anime? I'm not familiar with the sequential order the series goes in since I have never read the manga.

      That's a good list you have, Bakemonogatari, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Nichijou are some of my favorite shows as well. JoJo is probably my most favorite if I had to choose one though.

    3. Well those movies technically just cover the prologue which is pretty important, but if you have the time I recommend the original anime, but if you just want to know whats happening then finishing the movies are chill since its the golden age arc, then the conviction arc which is what the new series covers. However, you could just jump into the new anime and pretty much be fine, a few things would be confusing, but its not too bad. And thanks! Yeah JoJo's is awesome, and the new season is especially good.
